1. Richard Avedon

His stark black and white photography looks amazing and his portraits are composed with clear details that show peoples stark emotion. I believe that his photography shows the true character of his subject in their facial expressions and body language. The approach that he took in his series called the American West took a different approach to documentary photography, it redefined how to do a essay in a unique way.
2. Ace Kvale

I found this photojournalist when i typed in adventue photojournalist in google. actually google is a strange phenomenon because, when i viewed the site it was actually the type of thing that i had dreamed on doing for my whole life, traveling the world and helping people through photography. He travels the world and photographs for many different publications, through out his journeys he gets to meet people and learn stories.
Both these photographers are inspirational to me and they are examples of the level where i would like to take my photography.
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